Wednesday 18 July 2012

Pulmonary Function

So this was my first week in the PF lab and out of acute. I kind of missed acute as there were no codes, and the patients coming in were not even close to being as sick as the patients in acute.I got to tell patients to blow and test their lung functions. Also learned  a few words in an other language. Did a few methacoline challenge tests for possible asthmatics as well as cardiac stress tests.The group of RT's in the PF lab are pretty laid back but the loudness and sharpness of their voices is strong. They have the experience to get the patients to blow when they want them to. I also found out that I do not have asthma. Lucky me. I seemed to be the only RT there that didn't have asthma. I noticed I haven't been posting too much in this blog and when I do it is short and doesn't have very much to actually get anyone to read this. Well, too bad. That is the way it is going to be. I am usually kind of tired when I remember to post on here.

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